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Göcek Koyları 

Best Times: December - May.

Göcek town is in the northern corner. Town settlements lie at the foot of Toros Mountains.

Göcek has become one the most attractive boating spots in Turkey. Most provisions are available in the town. Entry-exit formalities can be carried out.

There are several areas to anchor in Göcek harbour, off the piers and there are no obstucles in the fairway on approaching to port zone. Boats can be anchored off and swing in the port zone. Care is needed for the shallow patches at the head of a stream, coming out between Gocek Marina and Port Göcek Marina. Port zone is always loaded with boats, they constantly churn in and out. Keep close watch on your anchoring position and check the swing room to avoid to be on the cruise line.

Göcek bays along the coast with the historical sites are impressive. Göcek was a Lycian town, squeezed between Gulf Telmossos (Fethiye) and Caunos. There are several remains in Taşyaka (Tomb Bay), Tersane Island, Cleopatr's Bay (Manastır), Sarsala Bay, Kapı Creek and Wall Bay (Manastır). Some of these sites are still in good condition.

Göcek is under National Preservation Programme. This programme does not allow concrete heaps in the town. Non-profit organisations also achived tremendous contribution for the preservation of the identity. There are waste water prufication and reverse osmosis water treatment systems in the town.

All provisions can be found. The public market takes place on Sundays.

Göcek carries Mediterranean climate conditions. Mild and rainy, relatively warm in winter and hot in summer. Göcek bays are crowded and hot in summer, but cool in May through June and in September and October. Gendarme, coast guard, state clinic and phapmacies are in the town zone. There is a sea rescue volunteer team, including doctor and divers, provides emergency intervening.There are regular transport facilities to most destinations in Turkey. Dalaman Airport is 22 km, Fethiye is 28 km from Göcek.

Göcek Yacht Club arranges races and sailing courses for the youngsters. These activities gathers racing boats and sailors from all around the world.

Call us now to book a vacation of a lifetime:

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